Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas Part 1

The Christmas celebrations are well under way here at the Goose Poop household!

I haven't gotten as many pictures as I'd like to have gotten, but here a few of the ones I did get...

Last Saturday we celebrated Christmas with Shawn's mom, step-dad, and his two sisters. I had really good intentions of getting some great shots, but with all the chaos it just didn't happen! Here's the only picture I got.

My niece Kayla, niece Gracie, and daughter Kenz.

With 15 grandkids there, it just got a little out of control! But I've got to tell you all about the absolutely, wonderfully, fantastic gifts we got....

The kids are opening their gifts from Nonnie and Poppie (Mr. Goose Poop's parents), I can't remember who I saw open theirs first, but it was a blue hooded U of M sweatshirt. It must have been one of the boys, because I remember thinking to myself "Cool, he'll love that!" Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw another one emerging from a box. And another. And another. And then I said "Awesome, matching U of M sweatshirts!" (You have to know me, I'm one of those annoying mom's that has to have the kids "matching" in some way, shape, or form!) As Christian is folding his back up it looks like something was stuck on the back of the sweatshirt. I told him to unfold it, and let me see it. Then I really see it! Right there, on the back of his sweatshirt is fabric painted "Goose Poop 6" (He's the 6th kid, ya know!) So I tell all the kids to show me the backs of their shirts...and sure as the snow is mother in law had stenciled "Goose Poop" with their kid number on all of the backs of their shirts. So, Jonah is "Goose Poop 1", McKenzie is "Goose Poop 2" and so on and so forth!! And not only that, she got Mr. Goose Poop and I matching U of M sweatshirts, and you guessed it...on the back of his it says "Mr Goose Poop" and on the back on mine it says "Mrs Goose Poop"!! I almost cried! I can't even explain how cool they look! I promise to post pictures as soon as I get some taken. We just haven't all been together long enough to get a picture of them taken. But, trust me when I say this, they are the coolest thing ever! I told Mr. Goose Poop I don't ever want the kids to grow up now, because that means they won't fit in their Goose Poop sweatshirts. Either that, or I'll have to beg, bribe, and guilt my mother in law into making us new ones every 3 years. We are gong to where these E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E!!

It was such a thoughtful gift, and I can't thank her enough for doing that for us!

We also did our family Christmas over the weekend. Like as in Mr. Goose Poop, the gooslings, and I. Long story, but it was the only time it was going to work this year. Mr. Goose Poop started snapping shot of all the kids, but I told him he didn't have to. As long as I have one for their scrapbook, I'm good! Here's a couple...

Tyler playing with his beloved "Poppies" also known as loaders and dump trucks!
Tyler opening his first present. Those are the front of the "Goose Poop" sweatshirts!

Here's Christian wearing his favorite gift. It was a bug explorer kit! He hasn't taken it off yet!! And do you know how hard it was finding a bug catcher kit in December?? I looked at all the toy stores, and nothing!! I finally found one at Walmart of all places.

Here's Christian opening the bug catcher...

Here's Carter and one of his favorite gifts. They were wrestling guys!

Dylan's so into fishing this year, so here was his favorite present. A fishing vest and hat! To go with his new fishing pole like dad's (open real! <---Is that how you spell that word? What ev, you know what I mean!).

One of Jake's fav's. His Fox flat brim fitted hat!! hard it was finding a fitted hat that fit his bite size head!!

Jacob and Jonah with Jacob's ever begged for zip up sweatshirt.

The only picture I have of McKenzie. But it's a special one. You see, Jacob and Jonah made these special clock plaques in Cadets and were able to give them to anyone they wanted. When I handed Jonah the pen to fill out the tag, he sat there for awhile. Thinking. Finally he declared he was giving it to McKenzie because he thought she'd really like it. I thought that was awesome. So here she is opening it.

Jonah wearing his Adrian Peterson jersey. Who's Adrian Peterson you might ask?! I've got no frickin clue. But I know he's been begging and begging for one. And he must have loved it, because he made a cute little squeal when he opened it!

And here's his other jersey. It's University of Michigan...

They had a great Christmas. And I'm so happy they did.
Now tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and my favorite day of the year might I add! Though it won't be the same this year. My parent's won't be in Corunna to celebrate Christmas with the Smith Family. You see, Christmas Eve is also my Great Grandmother's birthday. She turns 90 this year. So my parent's will be spending the day with her. I don't blame them, I'd hate to have her be alone on her birthday. And her 90th of all!! But the selfish side of me wants them in Corunna. With me. And my Aunt Mary. And my cousins! Especially since, I've heard thru the grapevine, this may be the last time we celebrate Christmas in Corunna on Christmas Eve. I've heard it may change days next year. I'd rather not think about that though. I'm not good with change. Especially changing my most favorite day of the year. But I'll pull on my big girl panties and deal. Next year, though, ok?!? Thanks!
As for today, on this Christmas Eve Eve, we'll scarf burgers and fries. Watch movies, and pack for the weekend. Read books and play Uno. For tomorrow is the day I've waiting 364 days for!



Awesome, such a beautiful family. Thanks for sharing!

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