Sunday, October 24, 2010

Today is one of those days where I feel like life can't get much better than this...

The Goose Poop family has had a teriffic weekend, and it's only Sunday afternoon! There's still more to come this afternoon. It's been one of those weekends that makes you thankful that God has given you this life, the life you're living right now. He hand picked it for you, and only you.

Friday ended with the start of McKenzie's basketball tournament. She's finally getting the hang of it. She no longer stands there looking lost, biting her fingernails, trying to befriend the other team! She's getting into it finally, and I *think* she's understanding the game/rules more.

They lost!! But, well, I don't know, at least they gave it their all, right??

Saturday was busy, busy, busy!! We headed out for the rest of the basketball tournament at 8:30 in the morning.

That's the first time she's gotten to throw the ball in, she was trying to not act siked!! =)

I know she looks like she's cheering, but really she isn't. She's finally remembering to keep her dang hands up to block!!

They lost! Again! But, well, I don't know, at least they gave it their all, right??

Right after the basketball game, we headed over to Jake's last football game for the season. I can't believe he just finished his first season of football!! We sat pretty far from the field, so I didn't really get to get many good shots. Oh yea, and my father in law came from Ithaca too! He made a stop at Jake's football game before heading over to my nephew, Sammy's, soccer game. So we all got to see him for a bit.

It started out raining, but after 15 minutes or so it kinda sorta quite. So it wasn't really raining but it really wasn't *not* raining. So here's the kids watching the game!! Cute, ah??

He didn't win his football game either!! But, well, I don't know, at least they gave it their all, right??

After the football game we had about an hour break. We came home, ate some lunch, then it was back for the last game of McKenzie's basketball tournament at 1:40!!

They didn't win! Again! But, well, I don't know, at least they gave it their all, right??!!?

Then it was back home. Again. To pack up some stuff and change. Then we all headed over to my parent's house for the annual Pumpkin Carving Party. They've been having this party the weekend before Halloween for the past, maybe, 18 years!! Mom puts on a big bash, makes some awesome fall-time food, and we all carve pumpkins in thier foyer!! Dad puts down a line of plastic in the middle, throws out the carving tools, and we all go at it! I think I overheard mom saying there was something like 48 pumpkins carved! Holy crap! The best part?? I get to see my "Corunna Family". We don't get to see them often, so it was a real treat to see them last night.

My dad paid Dylan $1.00 to clean out his and my mom's pumpkin!! He's 6, pretty much he'll do anything for a dollar!!

The first batch of people carving!!

Jake!! He's into art lately. So he decided to do a "cool" pumpkin, using a pattern! Turned out awesome!

Carving fools!!

Another round of people carving!

This was going to by my new header, but when whoever lit it, they broke the "O" out! Now it just looks silly! But it did at one point look really cool!

Here they all at lit up. Some weren't done yet, and some had already left! But isn't it cool? See my "Goose Poop" one? On the step above it is my other's Mr. Goose Poop and I in stick people form!! =)
We had such a great time! Mr. Goose Poop and I were exhausted by the end of the night. But it was worth it!
Now here I am, drinking coffee, still in jammies. No better way to have a Sunday!! In a few hours it off to my sister in law, Angie's. Today is our Goostrey birthday party. We're celebrating the months of August thru November. So I get to see the rest of my family too. My mother in law, my other father in law, and both my sister's in law. Plus all my neice's and nephew's. Can't wait! It was a teriffic weekend.
Tonight, I'm going to top it off by making pumpkin seeds for the kids. The goosling's have never had pumpkin seeds before. Mostly because, it'd take forever to pick out enough seeds for 7 kids to get some!! But, Suzie Homemaker that I am, I spent over an hour digging in everyone elses pumpkin guts to pull out enough seeds so they all can have some! They are soaking now! Can't wait to eat them, I haven't had pumpkin seeds in years and years!

Off to finally get dressed to put an end to this wonderful weekend God has granted us!


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