What are you pouring your heart out about today? Go visit Shell and see what's on the minds of others.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Pour Your Heat Out
What are you pouring your heart out about today? Go visit Shell and see what's on the minds of others.
Tuesday Trivia
1. My Heart Will Go On came from what movie?
2. Who played Rachel Green in Friends?
3. Which talk-show host appeared in The Color Purple?
4. What state is called the Corn-husker State?
5. What is the main color on a Chinese flag?
6. Which actress married for the seventh time on Michael Jackson's ranch in 1991?
7. What kind of codes did American Supermarkets introduce in the mid 1970's?
8. EuroDisney was built in which country?
9. Who was president during WWI?
10. Who was born first Chevy Chase or Nicolas Cage?
OK...how'd ya do? Are your brain cells really moving now? Check your answers!
1. My Heart Will Go On came from what movie?
2. Who played Rachel Green in Friends?
Jenifer Aniston
3. Which talk-show host appeared in The Color Purple?
4. What state is called the Corn-husker State?
5. What is the main color on a Chinese flag?
6. Which actress married for the seventh time on Michael Jackson's ranch in 1991?
Elizabeth Taylor
7. What kind of codes did American Supermarkets introduce in the mid 1970's?
Bar Codes
8. EuroDusney was built in which country?
9. Who was president during WWI?
Woodrow Wilson
10. Who was born first Chevy Chase or Nicolas Cage?
Chevy Chase
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Friday Flip-Offs
Like I'm going to let my kids buy a sno-cone from the broken out window of your conversion van, dude!! Riiiiiight! Get real here. You wanna be an ice-cream man? That's fine, but for reelz yo...for the love of all that's holy, get a real damn ice cream truck. Your conversion van just isn't cuttin' it!!
Flip-Off Great Wolf Lodge...Our kids raised the most money for a fundraiser we had last week. The grand prize was a family trip to the ever Holy ground of Great Wolf Lodge. For a family of 4. If you remember correctly, we're not a family of 4. The biggest room the Great Wolf Lodge holds is 6 people. Which means we have to have 2 rooms. Which means this little trip they won is going to cost Mr. Goose Poop and I a good $300 or more. Yay!!
Thursday Three
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Pour Your Heart Out Wednesday
Be sure to check out all the other's pouring their hearts out today with Shell at Things I Can't Say!!
p.s. I love you!
p.s.s (or is it p.p.s? I never did understand it!) I miss you to pieces!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Monday Mis-Haps!!
And ended with Mr. Goose Poop calling his mom thanking her for giving him the fire extinguishers all those years ago!! **Thanks mom!!**
Friday, May 13, 2011
Friday Flip-Offs
Linking up with Momma Kiss (though I see she hasn't done this in awhile...hmmmm!!), for Friday Flip-Offs! Yell, vent, cry, or scream...do what you gotta do to get it out!
Flipp-Off Weather...HOLEEE-KA-MOLEEEEY! Damn Gina it's muggy around here! I'm all for the warm weather, trust me...but I like to have the air on when it's this friggin' hot out. And I refuse to put the air conditioners in before June 1st. Otherwise, we put them in, use them 3 times in a month, and look like white trash for a whole month before we have to! A happy medium around 75 with low humidity would be just perfect.
That's all I have to flip off this week thanks....
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Pour Your Heart Out
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Too Blessed to be Stressed Sunday - Mother's Day Edition
And him....
Friday, May 6, 2011
Save My Sanity Saturday
Why is there an upside down stool on my stove? I haven't a clue!!
What my kitchen table looked like when I left. I was also in the middle of putting together cute baskets to put the bread/muffins in. Cuz, you know
Laundry was getting done, just wasn't getting folded!! That never happens in my house. Laundry always gets folded as soon as it comes out of the dryer! Apparently not during Teacher Appreciation Week!
Then Thursday night Tyler and his bike got into a little brawl. Guess who won??
This photo doesn't do him justice....his whole nose, eye, and cheek are scraped up. Poor kid...
So now do you see why my sanity needs to be saved on this Saturday??
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Friday Flip-Offs
Today I'm going to link up with Momma at Momma Kiss. She does a Friday Flip-off...yell, scream, vent or cry...do what you gotta do to get it out!!
Flip-off Body...I know I call you old all the time, but c'mon..yer only 30 years old for goodness sakes!! It seems like just yesterday I was a-okay with 4 hours of sleep a night. Now, I'm barely human after 6 hours! Look, I'm a busy mom, wife, and homemaker, so if you could just function off 6 hours of sleep I'd be real appreciative. Mmm-kay-thanks!
Flip-off Ex-Husband...Good job there pal! You learned how to screw the system! Nice going! Lieing, saying you haven't had a job since 2009, and have been on unemployment the whole time, worked. Now your child support is less than half of what it was. Way to screw your kids over jerk-wad!
Flip-Off Cat...If you keep eating the plant, it'll poison you. And as much as Mr. Goose Poop would like that, lets not humor him this time, shall we?
Thursday Three
Pour Your Heart Out
So, school's really been on my mind lately. This school year is quickly coming to a close, so we are in the midst of next year's registration. I turned in the registration papers & fees a few weeks ago. Tuition isn't due until early July. On those registration papers, there were 6 kids listed. Yup, I signed Tyler up for the 2 day preschool this year. You see, there are 3 other mom's at school and we all have kids Tyler's age. Like, they were all born within months of each other. Some within weeks. Well, those mom's are sending their kids to the 2 day preschool this year, so I did too.
The thing is...I really, in my heart, don't know if he's ready yet. I'm not one of those mom's who cries on the first day of school, not ready to let my babies go. I'm also not one of those mom's who can't wait to send their kids to school at the end of a break or summer, to get them out of my hair. I'm a happy medium. I have my kids because I like to spend time with them and be with them. But I also realize there comes a time around age 4 that they will start school. And I'm cool with that, too!
But I just don't know if he's ready yet! All my other kids? They were ready, I had no question about that. But him? I just don't know.
I mean, he's kinda naughty. Ok...not kinda...really naughty!! If he was my first born I'd 1.) Wonder what the hell I'm doing wrong!! and 2) Never have another one of these heathens again!! For shizzle my nizzle!! But since he's numbero seven, I know it's not my parenting, since all the other's are relatively normal human beings! It's him. It's his personality. It's just the way he is. (And lucky for him, McKenzie wasn't like this...or he wouldn't have even been a twinkle in my eye!!)
But I've known the preschool teacher for 6 years now. And though I wouldn't call us the kind of friends that call each other up for a night of margarita's and gossip, I do consider us friends. We have called each other outside of school. We get advise from each other. She passes clothes clothes on to us. She has supported us, and prayed for us in some of our darkest times. She's a great person, mother, and teacher. Oh yea, and she has a daughter named Rachel, I mean how cool is that?!? Plus, Tyler, like, LOVES this lady! He runs to her every morning. Jumps right into her arms, and gives her a great big hug.
I've talked with her and the principal (who by the way is equally wonderful) about my reluctance of enrolling Tyler in school. They tell me he'll do great. He'll be fine. They can handle him. I don't doubt they can. But she sees him being lovey and giving hugs. What's she going to do when she turns her back and he's drinking the coffee from her desk, or when she finds out he thinks his farting ability is his magical power?!? I'm telling you, this kid is naughty!I can't handle decisions like this. July can't come soon enough. After tuition is paid, there's no going back. No refunds. Wait...I wonder if they give refunds if your kid is so naughty he gets kicked right the heck out?!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Tuesday Trivia
1. How many US states border the Gulf of Mexico?
2. Who averaged 2 patents for every 3 weeks of his life?
3. What laundry detergent got lots of mileage out of the ad line "ring around the collar"?
4. What is the minimum number of musicians a band must have to be considered a "big band"?
5. What is the least popular month for a US wedding?
6. What spot once registered 134 degrees, the highest temperature ever in the US?
7. What was the first organ successfully transplanted from a cadaver to a live person?
8. How many months per year do residents of Tromoso, Norway go without seeing a sunset?
9. Who was the youngest person ever to become president of the United States?
10. What are the two top selling spices in the world?
11. What was the first commercially manufactured breakfast cereal?
OK....how do you think you did? How many do you think you got right? Let's check!!
1. How many US states border the Gulf of Mexico?
2. Who averages 2 patents for every 3 weeks of his life?
Thomas Edison
3. What laundry detergent got lots of mileage out of the ad line "ring around the collar"?
4. What is the minimum number of musicians a band must have to be considered a "big band"?
5. What is the least popular month for a US wedding?
6. What spot once registered 134 degrees, the highest temperature ever in the US?
Death Valley
7. What was the first organ successfully transplanted from a cadaver to a live person?
A kidney
8. How many months per year do residents of Tromoso, Norway go without seeing a sunset?
9. Who was the youngest person ever to become president of the United States?
Theodore Roosevelt
10. What are the two top selling spices in the world?
Pepper and Mustard
11. What was the first commercially manufactured breakfast cereal?
Shredded Wheat
How many did you get right (without Google-searching!)? Maybe next week you'll do better! Have a great Tuesday!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Monday Miss-Haps!!
You see, last week I was thinking of my blog. Sometimes I go a long time without posting. I hate it, but sometimes I feel like there's just nothing to write about. I mean, you guys don't want to read about boring stuff. If you read numero dos here, you'll see that my life has become fairly ordinary. It's the same thing day after day after day around here. Who wants to come here and read about driving kids to school, laundry, and cooking??!? B-o-r-i-n-g, right?
Anyway, back to how I jinxed us...so I've been thinking about my blog for awhile now. Why I've had the blog almost a year now, and I'm still stuck at 19 followers. I know lots and lots of other people read it, and I know this because behind the scenes I know how many "hits" I have per day. Sometimes I'll get over 100 "hits", but no one is clicking the ever so important "follow" button right there along the right column. So obviously people are visiting and not liking, and in turn not following. Hmpft...
So I gotta do something here folks. I think of the other blogs I read. What do they have that I don't? Well, they are funny writers, so people follow them, but I can work on that. They do giveaways, but I can't do that really until I get more followers. Some blogs have over 50 comments on a post!! Yowzers! I don't even have 50 followers to comment!! Yeesh...
Looks like it's all coming down to these dang followers. I need more followers. But how do I do that? I've told everyone I know about the blog. I've begged people to please click that pesky little "follow" button. Promised them that they don't have to do anything, don't even have to read it if they don't want to. Just click that damn button people!! I've even thought about going in and making a bunch of fake Google accounts, under Gertrude, Esmerelda, Bertha, Dolores, Myrtle, Winifred and the like and just follow myself!! I'm about to drop at the feet of my friends that aren't following me yet, and cry, beg, plead, and "ride" on their feet like a 2 year old until they promise to follow.
OK, back on track! The point is I need followers, so how am I going to get them? I am going to have a "back up plan" for the days I don't have anything to write. Case in point Tuesday Trivia, Thursday's Three, and Save My Sanity Saturday. I am going to start linking up with the popular girls (Lord...how high school!!)! Case in point Pour Your Heart Out Wednesday with Shell and Flipp-Off Friday with Momma Kiss.
OK...all that to tell you how I really jinxed us! So Monday's I decided would be "Monday Miss-Haps", because usually something goes wrong over the weekend, and surely I can find some miss-hap that has happened to us. I usually write my posts a day or two before hand so that in the morning I can just publish the post, and it's there bright and early for those of you who actually follow AND read!! Ahem *cough*cough* just sayin'...
So all weekend I'm trying to think about today's post. It's a fairly quiet weekend so to speak. Saturday Mr. Goose Poop took all the boys to the cottage to fish. They were gone all day. Surely he'll come home with some miss-hap. Someone fell out of the boat, someone caught their brother instead of a fish, someone snagged a shoe instead of a sunfish. Nope! All was quiet and well. So while the boys were gone I took McKenzie and my niece to the mall. Oh how I loath the mall. Call me old if you so desire...but I hate it. Surely something will happen since I'm old and hate the mall. Nope. Boring day at the mall. Spent too much money on pretzels and slushies, girls dragged me to every teeny-bopper store imaginable, but no miss-haps. Great, now what am I going to write about? Don't they know I have a blog to write. Followers to try to lure in??
Now it's Sunday, and still empty handed. Mr. Goose Poop was going to hang trim all day with the boys, and McKenzie and I were headed up to school to decorate for teacher appreciation week. Nothing exciting.
Mr. Goose Poop left with the boys to run to Lowe's to get the trim. And Kenz and I headed out to pick up some last minute decorations.
And then it happened. The Monday Miss-Hap. I'm strolling the isles of the Dollar Store, and my phone beeps.
It's Mr. Goose Poop.
Me: "Hello Dear!"
Him: "Well, looks like we're going to be here awhile!"
Me: "Why? Everybody else decided to do home improvements today, too?"
Him: "Nope, someone hit the van!"
*Shame on me, cuz now I'm totally not concerned with the van...I'm thinking yes...here it is. Monday's post! What?!? He's talking right? Everyone must be ok!!*
Me: "What? What do you mean 'someone hit the van.'?"
*Crap...did I pay the insurance this month?? Or is it in that stack of "papers" that stares me down every morning?? Cuz that'd sure make for a much more interesting miss-hap!*
Him: "I was parked in the parking lot with the trailer behind the van, and some dumbass didn't see the trailer, whipped into the parking spot, and ran right up the trailer!"
*Oh shit! This is my dad's trailer. That we didn't ask to use. That we went to his house to get. While they were probably waiting at church for us to show up. Shit!*
Me: "Is the trailer ok?"
*Not, "Are you hurt?" Not, "Are the boys okay?" Nope...it's, crap, dad's going to kick my ass!*
Him: "I think so, it's scratched up a bit, but looks fairly ok. Can't say as much for the van though! I went in to Lowe's and they are going to pull the security tapes to see who did it."
*Oh good, the trailer is ok. Who cares about the van, we can deal with that later. We can still go fold the trailer back up, scootch it back in dad's garage, and he'll never be any wiser.*
Me: "Ok, good. So we can just--"
Him: "Great, it bent the ball all to shit. I can't pull this thing like this. It pushed the hitch up too. I'm going to have to call dad!"
*Panic. Breath, Mrs. Goose Poop, breath! There are worse things, right? Aren't there? No, nothings worse than skipping out on church with your parents, going to their house and "borrowing" their trailer, then it getting hit in the parking lot. Crud...*
Me: "Ok, call dad and let me know what happens!"
*I'm running away. Far, far away!*
So, come to find out...they guy drove up on top of the trailer because he didn't notice it. You know, until it was under his car!! Mr. Goose Poop called the cops, but they won't come out since it was in a private parking lot. Told him to get the guys insurance info, and if he won't give it to him, then he can call the cops and they will come out. Mr. Goose Poop tried to get the guys insurance info, guy said he didn't want to give it to him. He didn't want his rates to go up. Mr. Goose Poop said then you shouldn't have drove up on top of my trailer!! And if he didn't want to give up his insurance info he'd be calling the cops. Guy says he'd been driving around with a hole in his bumper for years and we could too!! Mr. Goose Poop says he didn't care what condition his bumper was in, we wouldn't be driving around with a hole in our bumper. Guy finally give up the info.
Mr. Goose Poop calls dad. Mom and dad come out with a new ball to tow the trailer home. We can't because our hitch is bent to shit. Dad's not mad. Says we are welcome to use his stuff any time we want, this time it just didn't work out so well. Dad said the trailer is a goner. It's bent to shit too. But luckily he thinks the trailer absorbed most of the hit, and that our hitch and towing package will be fine, but to make sure we get it looked at!
So now I've got to deal with insurance companies, and body shops.!