How smart are you this Tuesday? Are all your brain cells working this morning? Let's see...
1. My Heart Will Go On came from what movie?
2. Who played Rachel Green in Friends?
3. Which talk-show host appeared in The Color Purple?
4. What state is called the Corn-husker State?
5. What is the main color on a Chinese flag?
6. Which actress married for the seventh time on Michael Jackson's ranch in 1991?
7. What kind of codes did American Supermarkets introduce in the mid 1970's?
8. EuroDisney was built in which country?
9. Who was president during WWI?
10. Who was born first Chevy Chase or Nicolas Cage?'d ya do? Are your brain cells really moving now? Check your answers!
1. My Heart Will Go On came from what movie?
2. Who played Rachel Green in Friends?
Jenifer Aniston
3. Which talk-show host appeared in The Color Purple?
4. What state is called the Corn-husker State?
5. What is the main color on a Chinese flag?
6. Which actress married for the seventh time on Michael Jackson's ranch in 1991?
Elizabeth Taylor
7. What kind of codes did American Supermarkets introduce in the mid 1970's?
Bar Codes
8. EuroDusney was built in which country?
9. Who was president during WWI?
Woodrow Wilson
10. Who was born first Chevy Chase or Nicolas Cage?
Chevy Chase
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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