Welcome to Tuesday's Trivia. Where you dig deep in the depth's of your brain to find that information you never thought you'd use again!!
1. How many US states border the Gulf of Mexico?
2. Who averaged 2 patents for every 3 weeks of his life?
3. What laundry detergent got lots of mileage out of the ad line "ring around the collar"?
4. What is the minimum number of musicians a band must have to be considered a "big band"?
5. What is the least popular month for a US wedding?
6. What spot once registered 134 degrees, the highest temperature ever in the US?
7. What was the first organ successfully transplanted from a cadaver to a live person?
8. How many months per year do residents of Tromoso, Norway go without seeing a sunset?
9. Who was the youngest person ever to become president of the United States?
10. What are the two top selling spices in the world?
11. What was the first commercially manufactured breakfast cereal?
OK....how do you think you did? How many do you think you got right? Let's check!!
1. How many US states border the Gulf of Mexico?
2. Who averages 2 patents for every 3 weeks of his life?
Thomas Edison
3. What laundry detergent got lots of mileage out of the ad line "ring around the collar"?
4. What is the minimum number of musicians a band must have to be considered a "big band"?
5. What is the least popular month for a US wedding?
6. What spot once registered 134 degrees, the highest temperature ever in the US?
Death Valley
7. What was the first organ successfully transplanted from a cadaver to a live person?
A kidney
8. How many months per year do residents of Tromoso, Norway go without seeing a sunset?
9. Who was the youngest person ever to become president of the United States?
Theodore Roosevelt
10. What are the two top selling spices in the world?
Pepper and Mustard
11. What was the first commercially manufactured breakfast cereal?
Shredded Wheat
How many did you get right (without Google-searching!)? Maybe next week you'll do better! Have a great Tuesday!
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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