Today I'm going to link up with Momma at Momma Kiss. She does a Friday Flip-off...yell, scream, vent or cry...do what you gotta do to get it out!!
Flip-off Body...I know I call you old all the time, but c'mon..yer only 30 years old for goodness sakes!! It seems like just yesterday I was a-okay with 4 hours of sleep a night. Now, I'm barely human after 6 hours! Look, I'm a busy mom, wife, and homemaker, so if you could just function off 6 hours of sleep I'd be real appreciative. Mmm-kay-thanks!
Flip-off Ex-Husband...Good job there pal! You learned how to screw the system! Nice going! Lieing, saying you haven't had a job since 2009, and have been on unemployment the whole time, worked. Now your child support is less than half of what it was. Way to screw your kids over jerk-wad!
Flip-Off Cat...If you keep eating the plant, it'll poison you. And as much as Mr. Goose Poop would like that, lets not humor him this time, shall we?
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