1. Heart
2. Roam
3. Mother
I have the best husband ever!! I've been here and there and everywhere for the last few weeks, and for the next couple days to come. Every time he comes home, it seems as though all I get to do is shoot him and kiss and wave at him goodbye. And he never complains. Ever. Even last week Friday, when I didn't have to go anywhere, but I did have to get out of the house for my own sanity. So with no warning, I got up after dinner, left the dishes for him and the kids, and told him I had to go out. By myself. He shot me a kiss and told me to have fun. No questions. No guilt. I heart him!!
"Oh give me a home where the buffalo roam, and the deer and the antelope play...." I want to move so very badly. I want a big sprawling house and lots of room to roam. I want to tell the kids to go feed the chickens after school. And to go get lost in the back 40! A girl can dream!
If I'm half the mother to my kids that my mother was to me, I know I've done my job!! It's almost Mother's Day! What'd you get your momma?
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