Every year around Feb/March-ish Mr. Goose Poop and I pick a project around the house that we want to get done. You see, my house is all plaster, and that shit sucks!! We want it all gone. All of it. 2 years ago we tore apart our dining room. Took all the plaster and lath board walls out. Cut a whole in one of the walls. Replaced the flooring. The whole nine yards. Then last year it was the upstairs bathroom. Not one thing was left while ripping that apart. Ok, well, we didn't get a new toilet, but it did come out while demo-ing. We got rid of the plaster and lath walls & ceiling, the old cast iron tub was introduced to the sledge hammer, the vanity was thrown out the window (literally!) into the dumpster below. We even tore out the sub floor to the point of seeing the kitchen ceiling from the bathroom floor. Then re-made the bathroom back to normal again. Put new drywall up, got a new tub & surround, vanity and sink, medicine cabinet, flooring, towel bars, trim, and what-have you.
Well, this year we decided to do the living room. Our ceiling was plaster and lath too, and was crumbling away, so we decided to do away with that also. Plus we wanted to put lights up in the ceiling anyway. So Friday night, after the kids left, we started the demo...
Tearing off the paneling that was over the plaster! It was real classy!
Plaster is off...now to take down all the lath boards...
On to the next wall...
Our neighbor heard all the commotion going on at our house and came over to see what was going on. We told him what we were doing. He said it looked like *fun* and asked if he could help! Fun?!? What's the matter with him? At any rate, we handed him a crow bar and a hammer and told him to go to town!
Walls are done, now it's time to drop the ceiling. Look at all the broken plaster on my poor, poor floor.

Time for the lath to come off the ceiling...Let me tell ya something here...my poor arms we on F.I.R.E after taking all this down!

Look at the electrical Mr. Goose Poop had to figure out and re-run! Augh...it was awful!!

Living room is cleared out and ready to have new electrical run. I was cutting and putting insulation up as Mr. Goose Poop was hanging the can lights and re-wiring.

Any time Dad's working, the kids have to nearly be right on top of him!

Here they all are playing on the ladder. Ok...not playing...what kind of mom do you think I am letting my kids *play* on a ladder?? They wouldn't stay off the dang ladder, so I had them all climb up and took a picture of them.

So here we are with out a living room at the moment. After the dining room and the bathroom, we got smart and realized we are no professionals at hanging and mudding drywall. So a friend of ours who owns his own home improvement business is here hanging and mudding drywall this week.
Say a prayer that this ends just as quickly as it began!!
Prayers for a quick remodel!
Knew I should have sent Scott over there! All the best on a speedy finish!
PS, since I don't have you e-mail address follow this link....it's official.
I showed Chris and he says "why didn't Shawn call me??...I would of helped!!"...I wanted to say "remember when you and Shawn ripped up the bathroom last year?!?"...your poor floor!!...I love the ladder picture...especially Dylan!!
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