Why helllllloooooo my fine boggy friends! I'm here, and still alive. Barely. But alive just the same!
The living room is coming along at a snail's pace, but it's a pace none the less.
Drywall is up and sanded.
After the hired help was done with that and left, I was left with my own mess to clean up!!!

Yesterday afternoon I rented a floor sander and it took me for a ride around the living room while sanding the floors at the same time!!
Last night I stained the floor and got that ready to be varnished.
And today I woke up and varnished (WITH A FRIGGIN' PAINTBRUSH!!) the entire living room. T.H.R.E.E. T.I.M.E.S!!! The times I say! My arm feels like it's going shrivel off my body into a goopy mess!! But they are done, and they look fabulous if I don't say so myself!!
While pulling our self out of the rubble, and cleaning the mess, I hit the jackpot while dusting!
Vodka anyone?
No? How about some Jager?
Or Pucker?
That stuff not getting it for you? How about some Rum then?
Wine? Funny thing is...we don't even drink wine. Haven't a clue why we even have this!
Not of the alcohol sort? I've got something that'll tickle your fancy for that too!!
I mean, what are we around here? A bunch of alcoholics or something?!? I wouldn't go that far...but if this dang living room doesn't get finished pronto I'm breaking into the liquor cabinet!!
Thru all that....my sweet Jacob turned 9 on Saturday. I say this all. the. time. But it's so true...I can't believe he's that old!! I mean, he's 9 for goodness sakes! He's been begging us to replace the MP3 player he lost, and we kept telling him no. But we decided to get him one anyway. Under the condition that it's not to go to his mom's house!!
But I didn't want him to know what was in the box, and we have a standing joke around here that we always tell the kids we forgot it was their birthday, and in turn forgot to buy them a gift.
So I wrapped an empty box, put it in another box, and wrapped that box!! The look on Jacob's face when he got to the last box and it was empty was priceless!! He really thought we forgot! Mr. Goose Poop and I totally played it off! And Jacob took it like a champ! He said that was ok, we could get it later!!
Oh, oh, oh...what'd I get??
Another box? Ha ha mom...

Wait a second here! This box is empty....
Then we gave him his real present. But that, too, had a wrapped box, inside a wrapped box, inside a wrapped box. Finally he made it to the middle and pulled out his MP3 player! He was so excited!!
OK...surely there's gotta be something good in this box, right?

Yup...another box!

Another one? C'mon mom!! This is getting old. I'm 9 now, I don't think this stuff is funny anymore. 
But it is kinda funny. Just don't tell my friends at school I think this is funny, alright?
Oh, oh, oh what is it? What is it?
My very own MP3 player?!? Why, you're the best mom and dad a kid could ever ask for!!
It's been a l-o-o-o-o-ong couple weeks. This living room project feels like the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends, some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it because...this is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends, some people started singing it not knowing was it was, and they continue it because...this is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends....
And while I've been keeping busy in the living room, the kids have had to fend for themselves!! Case in point...Tyler knows he's not supposed to play a Game Boy unless he asks first...so he thought he'd hide behind the trash and last night's dinner!! Never would have found him if it weren't for the pizza box singing the Mario Bro's theme song!!
I'm off to...to...dust...or paint...or something productive. Maybe I'll just work on liquor control tonight!!
(Are you still singing this is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends, some people started singing it not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it, because this is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends...)
I can read Miss McKenzie's face when Jacob finally opens the MP3 player..."UGH!!!...MOM, where's mine!!!!"..."I get to play with that too you know..."
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