I'm so friggin' excited I can hardly stand myself!! I'm like the ever annoying, nagging customer! Thank goodness he's a friend of ours, or I guaran-damn-tee you he'da quit a long time ago!! Whenareyougunnabedone?? Huh? Huh? Whenareyougunnabedone?!? Huh? Huh?
And now we just decided to refinish the floors. We decided that our living room will never again be totally empty like it is now, so I'm getting smart this time and renting a floor sander (because all the other floors that I've refinished in this house I've sanded with a palm sander!! Dummy!) and re-finishing them before we put the living room back together.
Ahhh....shoot me now, just shoot and get it over with!
It looks fantastic! Good job you guys!!
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