Another instalment of Tuesday Trivia....Useless interseting trivia for today...
1. What was OJ driving in the famous police chase?
2. Who decided there were 50 Way to Leave Your Lover?
3. The song Bright Eyes is about what animals?
4. How is Carlos Estevez better known?
5. What joins a bone to a muscle?
6. What finger has the fastest growing nail?
7. In the 60's, what American city were you supposed to were flowers in your hair?
8. If it's 10:00 pm in Colorado, what time is it on Louisiana?
9. What was the first bird domesticated by man?
10. How do you wake Lady Ga-Ga?
OK, how'd we do this week? Let's find out....
1. What was OJ driving in the famous police chase?
Ford Bronco
2. Who decided there were 50 Ways to Leave Yours Lover?
Paul Simon
3. The song Bright Eyes is about what animals?
4. How is Carlos Esteves better known?
Charlie Sheen
5. What joins a bone to a muscle?
A tendon
6. What finger has the fastest growing nail?
The middle finger
7. In the 60's, what American city were you supposed to wear flowers in your hair?
San Francisco
8. If it's 10:00 pm in Colorado, what time is it in Louisiana?
11:00 pm
9. What was the first bird domesticated by man?
Well duh...a Goose!!
10. How do you wake Lady Ga-Ga?
Poker Face **snort*snort** My 7 year old Dylan told me that last night!!
How To Propagate Succulents
2 days ago
Hi :) Just wanted to say I enjoy your blog :) and that I didn't know the answers to any of those!! Cheers Sue
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