No time for the introduction shit today!!! I'm so pissed off right now I can't even remember what I usually say....
Major Flip Off & Screw You to the damn Sleep Doctor Today!!!! So last week Friday I told Mr. Goose Poop if we don't go buy a new mattress I was moving out until our awful mattress was gone. Okay...I didn't say that in those words exactly, but c'mon...what girl ever says what she really means? We always beat around the bush and expect our men to know what the hell we're talking about. Anyway, Mr. Goose Poop got the clue. And we went mattress shopping.
We finally found one at The Sleep Doctor. Now it wasn't some top of the line, extra spectacular Postra-Pedic or anything. But it was nice. And we could afford it. And it wasn't in stock. But was supposed to be delivered in 6 days. They were going to take down our old bed and (broken) frame, dispose of them, and come in and set up our new mattress. First of all....that pisses me off. The salesman said that this was their most popular selling memory foam mattress. So why not, oh I don't know...KEEP THE DAMN THING IN STOCK!!! Why do we have to wait a friggin' week to get it delivered. The thing is....I went mattress shopping last Friday. Wanna know why???? Cuz I wanted a mattress last Friday. Not a week later!! If I wanted it a week later, I would have gone shopping for it a week later. Whatever! They told us they'd call Thursday morning to let us know they were on their way. Mr. Goose Poop counted down the nights every day until or mattress would be here.
At any rate...I spent the better half of the week cleaning up our room. It wasn't a disaster by any means, but if I was going to have some strange men moving my bed around, I thought I should at least vacuum up the dust bunnies that had set up shop under our bed. I also had some other crud being stored under there, and found a new home for it.
Thursday morning I took all the old sheets off our bed. Took pillow cases off. And waited. My phone never left my side. I didn't want to miss the we're-on-our-way-call. So I waited.
And waited.
And waited.
I wanted to call so bad, but didn't want to be that crazy lady that calls every 5 minutes wondering where my shit was.
So I waited.
Finally around 1:00 I decided it wasn't morning any more, and called the store. Turns out I should have called a hell of alot sooner than I did.
"A mattress delivery for Mr. Goose Poop? Hmmm....Nothing on record to be delivered to Mr. Goose Poop. Not sure what you're talking about. Let me call my delivery guys and give you a call back."
Over an hour later, I still hadn't heard anything back. So I was that girl, and called again. Calmly explained that I hadn't received a call back yet.
"I'm trying to get ahold of my delivery guys to see if they have your mattress. But they usually make their last delivery at 2:45 (which was in 3 minutes), so I should hear back from them soon. I'll call you back."
30 minutes later...
"Yes, Mrs. Goose Poop...I haven't heard back from my delivery guys yet. So I'm going to ASSume your mattress won't be delivered today."
No I'm sorry. No apology of any kind. No we'll make it up to you. Nothing.
So I asked what the hell I was supposed to do. I was supposed to have a new mattress delivered today, and have already disassembled my bed. Now I have no bed for the night. I don't usually take it out on the messenger. I understand it's not usually their fault. But they are the ones representing the company, and the man didn't even try to apologize to me at all.
I asked when the mattress was supposed to be delivered.
"Well, I'm not sure. I'll talk to the delivery guys when they get back here tonight, and I'll call the warehouse in the morning. Hopefully someone will be able to get it to you tomorrow. But I'll call you in the morning."
I told him that I PAID for the bed a week ago, I'm not waiting 2 weeks for a damn bed. And if it wasn't delivered to my house tomorrow (today), I would be in the store for my money back and go somewhere else for a mattress set.
Let me mention....it's 10:20 the next morning, and I still haven't gotten a call from him!!! Arrrgh....
I understand things happen. Mistakes happen. I get that. I'm usually calm about it. But I'll for sure tell you, this guy would have gotten alot further with me if he were a tad bit nicer and maybe offered up an apology. Maybe something like...why don't you stop in tomorrow and we'll give you $100 off. I probably would have refused it, but it's the thought of trying to make it right that counts.
Mr. Goose Poop just called me, and is walking in the store right now, going to see what's going on.
The problem this brings us to is....if we have to go get our money back, where will we buy a mattress from now? We shopped around for the best mattress we could afford. If we have to go somewhere else, I don't know that we'll find another mattress at a price we are willing to pay for.
So I say....
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