Welcome to Tuesday's Trivia! Where you dig deep in the depths of your brain, to find that information you never thought you'd use again!!
1. For what magazine did Hugh Hefner serve as a circulation manager while he was raising money to launch Playboy?
2. What problem did Leonardo daVinci, Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and General George Patton have in common?
3. What would Barbie Doll's measurements be if she were life size?
4. Before the introduction of the hair dryer in 1920, what common household appliance was promoted for it's hair drying ability?
5. What room in the American household is the scene of the greatest number of arguments?
6. How many windows are in the 102 story Empire State Building?
7. Two state call themselves the "Sunshine State," can you name them?
8. On the reverse side of a $100 bill, what time is shown on the Independence Hall clock?
9. What car is shown in front of the U.S. Treasury Building on the back of a $10 bill?
10. How fast, in words per minute, does the average American read?
11. Where is it illegal for a portrait of a living person to appear in the United States?
12. Where is the longest street in the United States?
OK...how do you think you did? How many do you think you got right? Let's check!!
1. For what magazine did Hugh Hefner serve as a circulation manager while he was raising money to launch Playboy?
A children's magazine!!!
2. What problem did Leonardo deVinci, Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and General George Patton have in common?
They were all dyslexic
3. What would Barbie Doll's measurements be if she were life size?
39-21-33!! For reeelz???
4. Before the introduction of the hair dryer in 1920, what common household appliance was promoted for it's hair drying ability?
The vacuum cleaner - which could be converted by attaching a hose to the exhaust!
5. What room in the average American household is the scene for the greatest number of arguments?
The kitchen
6. How many windows are in the 102 story Empire State Building?
7. Two states call themselves the "Sunshine State," can you name them?
Florida and South Dakota
8. On the reverse side of a $100 bill, what time is shown on the Independence Hall Clock?
9. What car is shown in front of the U.S. Treasury Building on the back of a $10 bill?
A 1926 Hupmobile!
10. How fast, in words per minute, can the average American read?
275 words per minute!
11. Where is it illegal for a portrait of a living person to appear in the United States?
On a postage stamp!
12. Where is the longest street in the United States?
Los Angeles, where Figueroa Street runs for 30 miles!!
There you have it! First installment of Tuesday's Trivia! How many did you get correct (without Google-searching first!!)?? Maybe next time you'll do better!
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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