Somebody, please, save my sanity on this Saturday because....
We have a game we play's called "I spy with my little eye one orange bullet!"
I'm telling you, if I spy one more damn orange foam-y bullet, or one more red round of cap gun shells, I'm going to loose my sanity!!
Yesterday I took the camera around spying for them...look how many I found in a 3 minute span!!
One...One orange foam bullet..aht aht aht (get the Count voice?!?)

Two and three....three orange foam bullets...aht aht aht!

Four...Four orange foam bullets...aht aht aht!

Five...Five orange foam bullets...aht aht aht!! red round of cap gun bullets...aht aht aht!

Oh look...they found each other...maybe they'll make bullet babies!!
Two red cap gun bullets, and number 6 orange foam-y bullet...aht aht aht!!

Seven...Seven orange foam bullets...aht aht aht!

Why yes, yes that is a red round of cap gun bullets sitting on my toilet seat, why do you ask? This isn't normal in your house? Huh, completely normal here to lift the seat at see this!
What is that? Two...two red cap gun bullets...aht aht aht!

Three....three red cap gun bullets...aht aht aht!

Eight...Eight orange foam bullets...aht aht aht!!

So you see why my sanity needs to be saved this Saturday?!? If I step on (or sit on for that matter) one more bullet I'm going to loose it!
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