(Why do I look so prim & proper?!?)
Here's Catie acting out "dry humping" on Kristi!
Tracy got Jessica a super cute scarf, and this is what Jessica did with it! She looks authentic, doesn't she??
Some of us! This is the best circle of girls I could have ever asked for!
After that weekend, we were off to Mr. Goose Poop's dad's to celebrate Christmas at his house. Here's Jonah helping Grandpa Don prepare the stuffing for the turkey.
Ha...he turned around to see if anyone was watching....Boy, Mom's always watching...and usually with a camera too!
Pfffttt...Here's Jonah trying to opening Aunt Morgan's bottle of Kahlua! Sad part is...Aunt Morgan tried, couldn't get it, Jonah tried, and did get it!! Take that CPS!! There were 10 grandkids at Grandpa's house for two night! We had them packing in like sardines!!
We've played out in the snow time and time again...see post below!! This is why I am in constant need of snow gloves for the kids...
Mr. Goose Poop built a snow ramp for the kids in the back yard! The big kids love snowboarding down, and Ty loves sledding down!
(Please don't mind the awful looking shed in the background! It is now a temporary fix until spring when the snow is gone and we can get a real shed back there!)
That's what we've been up to the last few weeks. And now it's Saturday. Ahhh...Saturday how I love you! Jonah's basketball tournament is this weekend. He played once last night, once this morning already, and we're on our way out the door to the last one in about an hour. Mr. Goose Poop's dad just arrived from Ithaca. He's here to take pictures of Jonah's game, and then he's taking McKenzie and my niece dress shopping for the Daddy-Daughter Dance in a couple weeks. After that, my two sister's and their families are coming over for the night. We are sending the men folk out to the bar, sending the kids downstairs, and we are catching up. Well, more like Angie and I will be attempting to get my sister Morgan loaded!!! Cuz, ya know, she's a lightweight and hilarious when she's drunk! There's meatballs in the crock pot, cheese and crackers on the table, and a double batch of brownies in the oven. Oh, how I love Saturday's!!
One more thing Dear Mother Nature....As much as I love this outfit...
And these boots...
I'm ready for my tank-tops and flip-flops! So if you could let up on the snow storms this bloggy mom would really appreciate it! Thankyouverymuch!
Oh, it looks like you guys had fun! That 'sexy slang game sound like a riot. I've always been a fan of big families and the 10 kids at grandparents sounds like my dream of chaos. LOL.
I totally fee you on the winter thing as well.
You have been busy!
I love that outfit...even though I hate winter weather!
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