....I suggest you don't have 7 kids!
If you don't like laundry....
....I suggest you don't have 7 kids!
If you don't like countless doctor's appointments...
...I suggest you don't have 7 kids!
If you don't like scheduling your life around sports practice/games....
...I suggest you don't have 7 kids!
If you don't like working as a judge...
...I suggest you don't have kids!
If you don't like being involved in school functions....
...I suggest you don't have 7 kids!
If you don't like occasionally going out of you comfort zone....
...I suggest you don't have 7 kids!
If you don't like doing dishes 4 times a day...
...I suggest you don't have 7 kids!
If you don't like skipping breakfast, lunch, or dinner....
...I suggest you don't have 7 kids!
If you don't like wiping asses all day long...
...I suggest you don't have 7 kids!
If you don't like being puked on...
...I suggest you don't have 7 kids!
But...what's more than that...if you don't like having CPS called on you, and being subpoena-ed into court for being owed a shit ton of money....
...I suggest you don't ever marry a douche-bag!!
You see, this past 2 weeks have been hard. No, wait, they've been more than hard. Beyond hard.
In the past 2 weeks, we've been to 4 doctor's appointments between the kids, had one puking, basketball practice and games up the wazooker, found out one child is having surgery next Tuesday, and to top if off, one of the dumb-ass ex's has filed ANOTHER false Child Protective Service case on us, and the other dumb-ass ex has gotten them self so far behind in child support that they got arrested on felony charges, which means I've now been subpoena-ed into court, now making said ex fully believe we have something to do with it.
I've gotten advise from many-a-people to be careful what I put on this site. You never know who's reading. I fully and totally am aware of that. And I am. Careful that is. But really, what's the chances "they" find this spot? And what's more, who cares? What I write can't get me in trouble BECAUSE I have nothing to hide!
Yea, I'm pissed. Seriously ex...ANOTHER CPS case?!? What? The last 3 in-home inspections you've made them do on us wasn't enough for you?!? If we're really beating your child, why do you send him back to us? Why not keep him and call the cops?!? Stop all the this CPS shit. You have no idea what it's doing to all the kids in the home when these people show up. No one in this house is being beaten. Everyone knows that...including you. You think you're helping your case, when in fact, you're hurting yourself. There comes a point when calling CPS is considered harassment! Just sayin'...
And hey, you other ex...just because you got yourself behind in child support, doesn't mean it's my fault. I'm not the one that ordered you to pay. It was the judge. Take it up with him. You'd think being $23,000 behind would raise some red flags for you. But instead you'd like to shuffle the blame to someone else. That someone else being me. I'm not the one who didn't pay. You are. I'm not the one who hauled your ass into court this morning. The state is. Just because I was subpoena-ed to show up, and they hauled my ass out in the hallway to talk, doesn't mean I was the one to bring charges against you. All she was doing was telling me what would happen in front of the judge in case I was called up to speak. PAY YOUR DAMN CHILD SUPPORT AND YOU WOULDN'T BE IN THIS SITUATION!!!
I can handle the laundry, dishes, and endless hours of cooking. I can even handle the sporting events, puking kids, and thousand's of doctor's appointments. I'm ok with clipping coupons to save us money, going without the latest trends so my kids can have them, and living on only a few hours sleep because there are lunches to be made, snow stuff to dry for the morning, and class snacks to bake.
But I'm not ok with being accused of child abuse and blamed for your failure to pay child support. Get your own lives together. Why don't you guys stop worrying about what we're doing over here and worry about what you've got going on over there. I know our life seems so glorious, full of rainbows and roses...but it's just a regular life guys. No need to stick your noses in it. You know what they say....bees love roses, so you go sticking your noses in our roses and you're bound to get stung one way or another!!!
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
I am so glad you wrote that!!!! Keep up the good, no GREAT, work you continue to do on a minute to minute basis, and everything will turn out alright...I love you Brat!!!!
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