Let us take a look over the past few years...
Here's Mr. Goose Poop's and my engagement pictures in August of 2009. Long, dark red hair. It's so not the best picture, actually I pretty much don't like it one bit, but it shows off the color of my hair good.

Here's our group family pictures in September 2009. Long, light red hair.

This is me (Mr. Goose Poop and I are in Michigan, my bff and her husband are in Michigan State) in November 2009. Plain jane brown.

3 days after the Michigan/Michigan State picture, at our wedding. November 10th, 2009. Now it's light brown, and I added some blond, red, and dark brown highlights the night before.

Here we are in the summer of 2010. This picture was taken June 6th, 2010. Now were medium/short, blonder hair, with some red highlights.

And now in July 2010. Shorter yet, blond hair.

Here I am at Tracy's Bridal Shown on August 21st, 2010. Smack dab in the middle in the back and white polka-dots. Brown with blond and red highlights.

And at Tracy's Bachlorette Party on October 6th, 2010. Back to plain light brown.

And at the wedding. Dark Brown with super blond highlights. It's actually pretty short again in this photo, but you can't tell cuz it's all slicked back behind my head.

And remember this ridiculous picture of me and my sisters on Thanksgiving 2010? Now I covered up the blond highlights, and went back to medium brown.
Mr. Goose Poop and I Christmas Eve 2010. Starting to grow out a little, back to plain light brown.

New Year's Eve 2010. Light brown, few sporadic highlights. That's right folks, I changed my hair between Christmas and New Years.

Here's a picture of my sister's and I again just a few weeks ago. As you can see my hair is nothing fabulous. (But is getting long, eh?)

This is what it turned into. The picture isn't really good. Well, considering Tyler took it, and he's only 3, I guess it's ok. It wasn't meant to be a picture of anything much, but come to find out...I'm usually behind the camera, not in front of the camera!! So it's the only one I have since I've colored it.

So as it turns out, I'm now a red head again. Though it didn't start off that way in the beginning. I used a different brand of hair color. I'm a member at our local hair salon supply store, so I always use salon quality products. But I tried a new one this time. And when I was finished, I stepped out of the shower with PURPLE hair! It took a few washes to turn to a normal, I-can-live-with-this-color. But there you have it. A walk thru the last year and a half of my hair!
Mr. Goose Poop wants me to grow my hair out long again. I'm just not good with that. But I'm being a good wife, and attempting to do it. So I can only imagine I'll be changing the color of my hair every 2 weeks instead of 4 for awhile!!
Putting your hair in different styles might help. I donate to locks for love every two years, so I avoid dying and cutting, and I understand the "bored" feeling. I've had an itch for the last two weeks to crop and color, especially on the days where I just can't figure out what to do with my hair.
Stay strong! And you look really good as a red head. I'm partial to red, I've always wanted to dye my hair that color.
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