How every blessed we are!! I can't believe that it's the day after Christmas already. It seems like just last week we were trucking thru the Christmas Tree forest fighting over, I mean, trying to find, the perfect tree. And now here I am trying to find homes for gifts for 9 people from 3 different Christmas parties! Two weeks ago you couldn't fit another grain of rice in our house, and now I've got to find spots for 125,143 presents!! Yeesh....
Our Christmas traditions continued on Christmas Eve with our trip to my favorite place ever. Corunna. You see Corunna is a small dot on the map, but holds a special place in my heart. For some of my most favorite people can be found there. So on my favorite day of the year I got to go to my favorite place on the map to see my favorite people on earth. Though it just wasn't the same not having my parents join us this year, it was still a blessed night. Here's some pictures..
Here's Mr. Goose Poop and I...

The Gooslings....All hocked up on too much sugar and too little sleep! I have no idea what McKenzie is doing with her smile?!? And Dylan's mouth looks 2 sizes too big!

All together now... (Who's Dylan looking at??)

Here's my "Just John" and I.

And here are 3 reason's I love Corunna so much...
My cousin Cathy, me, cousin Yvonne, and cousin Randi
I look like the Jolly Green Giant in this picture, and it looks like Uncle Dave wanted in the picture too! Haa Haa!!

Caledonia Charter Township?!? Epic Fail!!! Totally thought this was the "Welcome to Corunna" sign. Nope! Wasn't!
Anyway, this was a special Christmas for us. On our way home from Corunna, we stopped in St. John's to pick up Mr. Goose Poop's dad. He followed us back to mom and dad's and stayed the night there with us. Meaning, he got to wake up on Christmas morning with us. Not by himself like he usually does. The kids thought it was totally awesome to have 2 grandpa's there on Christmas morning!
We got home from Corunna, well to mom and dad's, around midnight and put all the gooslings in bed. Then proceeded to stay up until 2:00 drinking wine and putting stockings together. Why oh why?!! The night before Christmas morning?? 2 am?!? Jeez....
Christmas morning was everything it was supposed to be. Since my father-in-law is a photographer, I didn't have to follow everyone around with the camera this year. He did it for me!!! Here's the one picture I did get though....
How precious is this picture?!? It's the Christmas Story being read to the kids by Grandpa before presents! It happens every year, but I've never gotten a picture of it. I love this picture so very much!!
We had such a wonderful holiday this year. We hope you did too...
Now it's off for pizza dinner (cuz who ever makes dinner the day after Christmas?!) and putting the house back together. While Mr. Goose Poop returns from his second trip to Lowe's because he's attempting to hook a water supply up to our new fridge.
Merry Christmas to all!!
And always remember "Love was Born on Christmas Morn!"
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