Thursday, December 30, 2010
Dear Santa,
Anyway, on to the real reason I'm writing you tonight...
Last year I mailed you a letter regarding what I wanted for Christmas. All I asked for were two simple things. A fat wallet and skinny thighs. I waited anxiously Christmas Eve...waiting...wondering. Woke up on Christmas morning and...nothing...nodda! I forgave you. I did kinda mail the letter a little late. I figured you must not have had time, what with all the other children you had on your list. Or maybe I was a little naughty. Hadn't been as nice enough to Mr. Goose Poop as I should have been. Or maybe yelled at the gooslings a few too many times. At any rate, I forgave you and vowed to work harder in 2010.
And I did. I was much, much better. I was nicer to Mr. Goose Poop, even ask him. And I toned it down with the gooslings a notch or two. I even remembered to mail the letter on time this year. Didn't you get it? I gave you a little sumthan' sumthan' extra in the envelope to help you remember me. I was the one that wanted the fat wallet and skinny thighs!! Ahh, yes, that's me. Remember me now?!?
So, Christmas Eve I could hardly stand myself. For in the morning, I'd be rich and skinny. Surely you wouldn't forget me this year like you did last. What a horrible thing to do to someone on Christmas. So I waited, I tossed, I turned. I cuddled Mr. Goose Poop extra tight that night. I finally fell asleep after hours of trying.
Christmas morning's here...I sprang out of bed, run to the mirror. Sure as shit...thunder thighs are still hanging on like the smell on a sock. Ok, Ok...that was alot to ask for I guess. Must be you had to choose one or the other. Fat wallet or skinny thighs. You chose the fat wallet. I can live with that. I'll be rich now and can just buy the skinny thighs. No biggie.
I jog (thighs jiggling all the way!) down the stairs and to my purse. Flat as a pancake! No extra bills smiling at me. No Visa, Mastercard, or Discover hanging out waiting to be found. What the hell, dude?!? Seriously?!? That's two years in a row now. Two! Are you kidding me?!?
Look, Dear Santa Clause, I'm giving you one more year to get this right. By this time next year, if my wallet is skinny and my thighs are fat...I'm totally outing you to the kids, man! Try me! I'll so tell them you're a big fat fake! I'll take my credit where my credit is due. No more telling the kids the big fat guy in the red suit brought you those gifts you think mom and dad's can't afford! I'll let them know how we saved for months, and thought of just the right gift that they'd all love.
I'm warning you Mr. Clause...this is it. This is your last chance. I've hadituptohere with these games. For the last's a fat wallet and skinny thighs. I'll be seein' ya round I guess. Keep me in mind. For next year buddy....that's it. Consider this your last warning, pal!
Mrs. Goose Poop
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
As much as I love putting up the Christmas decorations....
I'm ready to have my house back. I'm ready to have a day where I don't have to vacuum up pine needles off my living room floor. I'm ready to have my ledges cleared off of all the santa's and snowmen. I'm ready to bring my big comfy chair back up from the basement. I'm ready to not knock down the garland every time I walk in a doorway. I'm ready to have my books back on my bookshelf instead of my village.
I think it's because we put the Christmas decorations up so early, I'm OK with taking them down so early.
It was a blessed Christmas, and I'll always have that to hang on to.
Good-bye holiday's...
...'Till next year!!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Merry Christmas Part 2
Here's Mr. Goose Poop and I...

Caledonia Charter Township?!? Epic Fail!!! Totally thought this was the "Welcome to Corunna" sign. Nope! Wasn't!
How precious is this picture?!? It's the Christmas Story being read to the kids by Grandpa before presents! It happens every year, but I've never gotten a picture of it. I love this picture so very much!!
We had such a wonderful holiday this year. We hope you did too...
Now it's off for pizza dinner (cuz who ever makes dinner the day after Christmas?!) and putting the house back together. While Mr. Goose Poop returns from his second trip to Lowe's because he's attempting to hook a water supply up to our new fridge.
Merry Christmas to all!!
And always remember "Love was Born on Christmas Morn!"
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Merry Christmas Part 1

My niece Kayla, niece Gracie, and daughter Kenz.
With 15 grandkids there, it just got a little out of control! But I've got to tell you all about the absolutely, wonderfully, fantastic gifts we got....
The kids are opening their gifts from Nonnie and Poppie (Mr. Goose Poop's parents), I can't remember who I saw open theirs first, but it was a blue hooded U of M sweatshirt. It must have been one of the boys, because I remember thinking to myself "Cool, he'll love that!" Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw another one emerging from a box. And another. And another. And then I said "Awesome, matching U of M sweatshirts!" (You have to know me, I'm one of those annoying mom's that has to have the kids "matching" in some way, shape, or form!) As Christian is folding his back up it looks like something was stuck on the back of the sweatshirt. I told him to unfold it, and let me see it. Then I really see it! Right there, on the back of his sweatshirt is fabric painted "Goose Poop 6" (He's the 6th kid, ya know!) So I tell all the kids to show me the backs of their shirts...and sure as the snow is mother in law had stenciled "Goose Poop" with their kid number on all of the backs of their shirts. So, Jonah is "Goose Poop 1", McKenzie is "Goose Poop 2" and so on and so forth!! And not only that, she got Mr. Goose Poop and I matching U of M sweatshirts, and you guessed it...on the back of his it says "Mr Goose Poop" and on the back on mine it says "Mrs Goose Poop"!! I almost cried! I can't even explain how cool they look! I promise to post pictures as soon as I get some taken. We just haven't all been together long enough to get a picture of them taken. But, trust me when I say this, they are the coolest thing ever! I told Mr. Goose Poop I don't ever want the kids to grow up now, because that means they won't fit in their Goose Poop sweatshirts. Either that, or I'll have to beg, bribe, and guilt my mother in law into making us new ones every 3 years. We are gong to where these E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E!!
It was such a thoughtful gift, and I can't thank her enough for doing that for us!
We also did our family Christmas over the weekend. Like as in Mr. Goose Poop, the gooslings, and I. Long story, but it was the only time it was going to work this year. Mr. Goose Poop started snapping shot of all the kids, but I told him he didn't have to. As long as I have one for their scrapbook, I'm good! Here's a couple...

Saturday, December 18, 2010
'Tis the season...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Who ever started "Slug Bug"...
(OK, maybe I am, I don't ever want to see someone shot..but who ever it is should be seriously injured!)
You see, every time we see a VW Bug, this is the conversation in the van....
"Slug-bug Green!"
"Owe!! Why do you hit so hard?!"
"I didn't!"
"Yes, you did too!"
"No I did not. Besides, you always hit that hard!"
"No I don't. You punched me! I don't punch!"
"Yes you do, you always punch me when you see a bug. And I didn't hit hard. Baby!"
"I'm not a baby, and yes you do too hit hard! Next time I'm going to hit you just as hard as you hit me!"
"What ever!"
Every time we see a bug I hear that conversation! EVERY. TIME!!!
Then there are the kids in the back...
"Slug-bug Green!"
"That wasn't green, it was blue!"
"So, slug-bug blue!"
"Nut-Augh, it was Green! Slug bug green!"
"No, slug bug blue!"
"No, green!"
"No, blue!"
" hit me!"
"Well, he hit me first!"
"No, I slug-bugged you, and then you hit me back!"
"Yea, cuz you hit me first!"
I mean, really? Who invented this "game"? Who ever it was surely didn't have kids. And certainly not *7* of them!! What a stupid game! Oh...Oh...Oh...look a car...punch! Dummies! Don't even get me started on the "Cadillac Whack"!! And Jonah just informed me of the "PT Cruiser Bruiser!" Goodness...what's next? The "Van Slam"?!? The "Car That's Going Too Slow Blow"?!?
Yup....who ever started this game should be shot...or injured at the very least!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Today is my Anniversary!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010
A little bit of this, a little bit of that!!

And by the way, just for the record, all kids are still alive after conferences! They may have even been able to stay up late that night. I'm such a sucker...

On home we go. Since she had a friend over, I couldn't let the friend (who by the way I'm close with! She's in my Girl Scout troop, plus I'm friend's with her mom!) think I was some boring lame mom. So we crafted. A fun craft.

The boys did it too. And notice the twinner cool hair cuts! So totally awesome dude! Like, totally rad man!
Sunday was a mad dash around the house. My parents and my grandma were coming over to celebrate McKenzie and Dylan's birthday's.

You may want to bring your own next time you come to dinner!! Yup, that's totally Raven taking a little napper in the napkin holder! Ahh haa haa haa haa!!!