I baked 1 cinnamon coffee cake, and 2 loafs of cinnamon swirl bread. (btw...I'm pretty sure this is the bread Jesus was talking about in John 6!! OK, probably not, but it'da been a whole heck of alot better I bet!!)

The house still has the lingering faint smell of cinnamon wafting thru the air. The air outside is chilly and I can hear my kids playing basketball thru the crunching fallen leaves. The sun is lingering in that magical position right before disappearing for the evening. Now dinner is simmering on the stove. I have hot chocolate ready for kids tonight. The "fireplace" is burning.
This is what fall is all about guys!
How could it get any better than this...???

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us,
that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.
~Psalm 67:1-2
OM, Drummer saw this with me, now I've got him saying 'we need cookies/bread/hot chocolate', LOL. But if you feel like sharing or have any extras we'd be more than happy to help. ;)
Holy goodness!!!!...looks MUCHOS better then the ckae we made for the bridal shower that one year...remember?!!?...tee hee hee!!!!!...your flippin' awesome Brat...I have the BEST best friend in the world!!!!...by the way...what was for dinner??
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