Today, oh today...what a day I had today!
My days just seem to be getting better and better! Today is my mom's birthday. I've been blogging about it in my head for a couple days. I been trying to come up with some great and wonderful stuff to write about her. That in itself isn't an easy task. You see, is there someone in your life that you just can't seem to come up with the right words to describe them? Like, there just aren't words made special enough to use? That's how I feel about my mom. She is the single most wonderful person in my life. And God has blessed me with lots of wonderful people. But she, hands down, is the best.
Mom, you're such a (I've been stuck here for 3 minutes!!) what?? What are you?? You're wonderful. You're an inspiration. You are my rock. You're kind. You're giving. You're selfless. You're 'mart!!! You're a great cook. You're a wonderful wife. You're courageous and strong. You're beautiful. You're respected. But, most of all mom, you're all mine! It's the only reason I don't mind being an only child! I don't have to share you! I must have skipped that day in Kindergarten!
We all have tough times, I'm not going to say my life have been any harder than the next person's. But, I'll admit, my life isn't always a bouquet of roses. And when my day's are more like dandelions, then they are roses, it's my mom I go running to. I talk to my mom all the time. As in nearly every day. If for some strange and unknown reason my mom and dad aren't together, and dad tries to call mom and gets a busy signal....he calls me and tells me to get off the phone with my mom because he's trying to call her!! I think only one time he's called and it wasn't actually me one the phone with her.
If I have a problem? Call mom. If I have a question? Call mom. If I have some great news? Call mom. If I'm having a bad day? Call mom. If I can't find where they keep Lady Fingers in the grocery store? Call mom. Are you seeing a pattern here? 'Cuz I am. There's been plenty of nights that I've had to call in the middle of the night...some one's sick, and I don't know what to do. Someone got sick, needs to go to the hospital, she (and dad too, of course) comes over. Some one's being naughty and won't go to bed, she talks me off the "ledge". Someone got hurt, she gives me advise.
I can't even picture what my life would be without her. I'm usually a mushy gushy person, but I just can't even find the words to type out. There are tears strolling down my face right now, and I haven't even touched on what she means to me.
Mom, if it weren't for you, I don't know where I'd be in this world. I know you think I'm a daddy's girl, and I am, but you'll always hold that special place in my heart that no one can take away. (I'm bawling, and that wasn't even mushy!) You, and only you are the most special person in my life. Thank you for everything you do for me, Mr. Goose Poop, and our kids. They are so very lucky to have a Grandma like you. I hope you have (had now actually) a wonderful birthday. May God bless you and you're next year with bright days and cozy night. May you be filled with joy, love, laughter, and happiness. I love you mom, and Happy Birthday to you!!
Now that I'm officially a bawling mess....I was going to tell you all about my kids' first day of school today. But I can barely see they keyboard and screen right now thru my tears. So I'm going to leave that for tomorrow. I've got lots to tell, lots to be thankful for, and maybe even a few pictures to show.
Happy Birthday to my wonderful mom!
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
~1 Corinthians 13:4
How To Propagate Succulents
4 days ago
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