Like I said yesterday, a lot has happened over the last few months. One very exciting piece of news I have to share is that I became an aunt twice since my unscheduled leave of absence! Yup, Mrs. BFF and sister in law, Morgan, both had babies a month apart. And the sad, sad news is that I don't have pictures of either. Can you believe it? I certainly can't. I promise to get pictures soon, and brag all about it.
Second runner up in the even time line was adding a new cousin to our family. My cousin, Alicia got married on the hottest damn day in May.
Actually, she got married back in December, but waited to have the reception until the hottest damn day in May.
Alicia has been in love with my parents' house since she was knee high to a grasshopper. She's done school projects on the house, crafts for the house, and written paper's on the house. So she wanted nothing more than to celebrate her marriage there. Since the reception was to be held in the 3d floor ballroom, December would have been bone chilling cold. So she married her love in December, and held the reception in May when (she thought) temps would be more comfortable. Little did we know, the temp that day would break a record high, soaring to 90! Lord, was it hot in that ballroom!
I had the honors of photographing the reception for the couple. And boy, oh boy was she stunning. Take a look...but try not to spread the word...I just finished editing the photos yesterday, and the blushing bride hasn't even had a chance to see them yet.
My parent's house. 3rd floor ballroom. All done up wedding style! Boo-ya!
One end of the ballroom. |
Looking from one end to the other |
Head table |
Head table again |

Her mom and two aunt's (my three cousins) did all the decorations. Didn't they do a wonderful job. The photo's don't do it Justice. Though the photos are beautiful, in real life it was stunning.
Now on to the blushing bride. Alicia is a beautiful person on a normal day, but on this hot day in May she was glowing, and not from sweat! Take a look. You can see the happiness written on her face.
Beauty on the front porch |
Bride and Groom |
Bride, Groom and Maid of Honor on the front porch |
What a beautiful picture |
Isn't she radiant?? |
Checking out his bride |
First dance |
I had such a great time, and so did the Goosepoop kids. They've never seen the ballroom fancied up like this before. Usually it's a cool place to run around and fly airplanes. But add some food and a dj, and you have the coolest party ever to a little kid!
As you can see demonstrated below
Zander enjoys some wedding cake |
God bless you Alicia and Robbie. May your marriage be filled with love, joy, and laughter.