They lost! Again! But, well, I don't know, at least they gave it their all, right??

Another round of people carving!

And just for fun...Here she is cooling her pits right before we walked out!! I was doing it too!!
And because I am so damn proud of all the flowers, let me just show you how many flowers I was working with here!! Friday morning Tracy's mom met us at my house, Tracy took mom's car and went to run some errands. Mom and I jumped in my car and went to cut all the fresh flowers. (Tracy got all her flowers from this really really cool couple that used to be patients at her work. Growing these flowers is just their hobby!! They have 2 huge gardens FULL of them. Told us to bring some buckets and cut as many as we needed!! And as you can see, we did just that!) Mom and I got back to my house and unloaded. In my living room...(Tilt your head to the left to get the full effect!!)
Yup, that's my E.N.T.I.R.E. living room floor covered in flowers! And I had to leave for the hall at 2:30!! In that time I made 7 wrist corsages, 11 bootiners (I'm so bad at spelling this word, spell check can't even figure out what the hell I'm trying to say! But you get the idea, those flowers that go on the guy's tux coats!! Sorry mom!!), Tracy's bouquet, her "toss" bouquet, 7 vase bouquets, arranged flowers for the cake table, and just a few other random things. I showed up to the hall to decorate looking like a hot mess, but we made it! Did I mention the flowers looked awesome??