Can I still consider myself a "soccer mom" even though none of my kids play soccer??!
Ever since I decided I wanted to have a billion kids, I could never wait to be a "soccer mom". I wanted to be busy busy busy with my kids. I wanted them to play all the sports under the sun. Which is weird, because unless you consider skipping school a sport, I never played any sports in school. No basketball, no volleyball, not even cheerleading. Now that I'm grown, I look back and wish that I had. I mean, at least had done something. I didn't do any camps in the summer, I wasn't a Girl Scout, nothing. Nodda. Not that I was a bag of lazy bones. My cousin Jenifer and I spent our free time with our Grandparents. They'd take us traveling, in thier motorhome, all over the country. I've probably been to more states than most adults. Ok, I'm getting off track here. Back to the original question....Can you still consider yourself a "soccer mom" if none of your kids play soccer?
You see, with 7 kids it's bound to be at bit crazy, right? I was so excited when the "olders" were able to start getting into sports. Then they did. And now I'm thinking of changing my mind about this whole soccer mom thing. The past two weeks have been so busy around here, I don't know who's coming and who's going.
Monday's from 5:30 to 7:00 Mckenzie has basketball practice. And every other Monday, we have to leave a 1/2 hour early, because from 6:45 to 8:00 we have Girl Scouts. I am one of the leaders, so I have to be there.
Tuesday's Jake has football practice from 5:30 to 7:30.
There are a few sporatic Wednesday's that McKenzie has basketball games.
Thursday's McKenzie has basketball practice from 5:30 to 7:00. And Jacob has football practice from 5:00 to 7:00. (That's right, they both have to be picked up at 7:00 in seperate locations.)
Friday Jacob has football practice from 5:30 to 6:30.
And Saturday's are Jacob's football games.
And that's only 2 kids' schedule! In November, Jonah will be starting basketball also.
I've also signed up to be at the kids' school every Monday from 11:00 to 12:30 to help with lunch and recess.
The principal caught me in the hallway last week, reminding me that I should start thinking about this year's Christmas Shop. I'm the coordinater of our school's Christmas Shop every year.
I've also heard thru the grapevine, that they are looking for a President for our PTL. I've actually been thinking about it. Am I crazy?? I'm scared to look the principal in the eye, knowing if I do, I'll crumble, and blurt out that I'll do it before the sain side of my brain tells me not to.
Oh yea, and I signed up to be a room mom for one of the kids' classrooms! And to be honest, I can't for the life of me remember what class!! I really think it's Jabob's class, but trust me on this, I could be wrong. I'll just wait for one of the teachers to approach me. Maybe they forgot anyway!!
I don't even want to think about what next year will be like when it'll be Jonah, McKenzie, Jacob, and probably Dylan and Carter in sports.
My house is a wreck, I feel like we haven't eaten a normal dinner as a family in ages, I don't know if I'm coming or going, I think I sleep standing up, and I can't even remember the last time I got a shower!! No joke....
So you tell me....can I consider myself a "soccer mom" even though none of my kids play soccer??